Hey Flippers,
Looks like clubpenguin's found a "bug" in the lime green dojo book that's suppose to come out today...also, the sign in the lodge attic sign that says "Snow stored for Feburary fun" now says "Snow stored for March fun". Clubpenguin better not disappoint us all...sigh...What belt are you now? I am red!!!! Just two more belts and Sensi to beat to go NINJA KRAZ!
You should totally check out the new dance game and Candace!
clubpenguin brought so many new stuff out like....candace, sensi, etc.
Until Then, Waddle On!
BTW if you didn't know, I joined Clubpenguin in March 2007, 6 months after cp got released by the cp team.
Club Penguin Community Pin Cheat!
7 years ago